(PAST EVENT) – TAME YOUR MIND – An Embodied Journey for Overthinkers, Perfectionists and Control Enthusiasts


2 March 2024 (2-5 PM CET) at The Holistic Corner, Luxembourg City

Are you tired of your mind spinning out of control, constantly overthinking and feeling overwhelmed?

Join our transformative embodied workshop to learn the tools to calm your racing mind, sleep better, reduce anxiety, and to fully enjoy and be present in the moment – for yourself and the people you love.

A workshop by Kate Ensor, Mindfulness Teacher and Well-Being Coach & Silvija Zagar, Body-Centered Therapist and Mindfulness Trainer

Only 15 places available!

SKU: 15-1 Category:

This workshop is for you if you are:

  • An overthinker struggling to find peace amidst the spinning of your thoughts,
  • seeking tools to find a sense of safety and calm in the chaos of everyday life,
  • interested in exploring the mind-body connection for a deeper and more compassionate connection with yourself,
  • curious about how you can use your amazing mind more productively, without feeling overwhelmed by the constant swirl of thoughts.

During our time together you will:

  • Discover practical techniques to bring your focus to the here and now.
  • Learn why you tend to overthink and how to regain control.
  • Gain strategies to break the cycle of excessive rumination.
  • Befriend your nervous system by better understanding your body's responses and access states of inner calm.
  • Learn how to balance the need for control with the power of letting go.


Kate and Silvija will create a secure and nurturing environment for you to learn the tools and experience a deep sense of calm through a unique combination of experiential exercises, reflective inquiry, journaling, and practical tools you'll take away and use in your daily life.


Don't let overthinking, perfectionism, or the need for control define your life.
Join us and embark on a journey of self-discovery, presence, and freedom.



If your preferred way of payment is via DigiCash/PayConiq or bank transfer, please contact me: info@timeformindfulness.com

REIMBURSEMENT POLICY: Reimbursements are only considered with official hospital papers and in emergency situations. Once paid you are committed and your place is booked.

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